Thursday, November 26, 2009


ok before school starts i want to know how to clear up my skin i went to the doctor and they said i have mild acne, so what do i do, i have an oral medication(pill) that i take one twice a day, but i forget to take it twice a day and so i take two at night, is that even helping my skin? also skin, how do u get your legs as smooth as u can? i shave in the shower, but my razors just arent cutting it, and does nair actually work and if so, how do u use it? finally what are some cute hairstyles for me, i have curly hair thats about medium length and i straighten it sometimes so i can have either hair and i also have side bangs and stuff like that, but i straighten my bangs daily, so what would be some cute hairstyles, tell me all u kno, oh and also how long does it take and what do u need to do this style? please help me i want to get this all covered before school starts.thank you so much.


Make sure you clean your face 3 times a day. Neutrogena has a mild soap that is orange just for washing, benzol peroxide for pimples. N actually neutrogena has a product that will help reduce the appearance of those puffy pimples. I use it alot. Just keep up on your face and your pimples wont be that bad.

As for shaving, make sure you buy a product that has lotion and shave gel. Also A lotion with cocoa butter will make your skin really smooth no matter what kind of skin you have.

Have you thought of a shoulder length cut, and since it is curly you should have it layered. After years of having long curly hair and having a hard time with it, I tried to layer it in a medium length and it looks great curly with some mousse or straightened with my iron.

To do your hair with the mousse, just put a palm sized amount on your hair evenly, take your hair dryer and defuser (a accessory to add to the end of the dryer with prongs, maybe 10 extra bucks)to your head about 3 inches away and blow on low or med spead in a circular motion until dry. You can set it with a spray gel if it seems fuzzy later.

You know how to straighten I am sure.

Also bangs are coming back, and its a good way to hide pimples that are on your forehead, just make sure they are not cut in a straight line but more likea little bit at an angle, n usually you can brush them under n spray with the gel.

Also some highlights make your hair look awsome, try to find a color that is about 2-3 shades that is lighter then your natural and highlight around your face.

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